Monday, March 2, 2009


God Bless how times have changed.

It's no secret how bad I am at talking and interacting with anyone who has two X chromosomes. Maybe it's because I say things like "It's no secret how bad I am at talking and interacting with anyone who has two X chromosomes." But that's beside the point.

Welcome to 2009. Among the great things it has to offer are DirecTV, the Fine Living Network and one of my new favorite TV shows, Wingman.

I'm 20 minutes into my first episode. The host (a professional Wingman) is dealing with a 22-year-old Yale student who has confidence in some areas of his life, but not when it comes to dealing with girls. He's shy, awkward and a horrible conversationalist. Sound familiar?

(Note: This is the part where Nick Fairfax would make the "See Kitzan? There's someone out there for you right there!" joke. Fortunately, he doesn't subscribe to this.)

Anyway, he introduced the concept of RIFF (Recreation, Industry, Family, Fun) to this guy, who ended up meeting someone. It's a simple enough conversation piece and gets the ball rolling. Looks like half the battle is complete.

The solution to most of my problems aside, this is a great idea for a show. Of course there are tons of people who have problems meeting, talking to or being themselves around the opposite sex. The fact that someone was genius enough to take an everyday role like this and make it a TV show is incredible in so many ways. What else could you, theoretically, make a show out of?

I don't usually get excited about shows like this, I promise. It's cool that it helps people like me (even though it's not cool I have to resort to this ... better than online connections though, eh?) but the concept is even better.

Will I put RIFF into action? I know you're on the edge of your seat ... stay tuned.

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